Encanto Cartoon | 5 reasons to watch Encanto with your kids.

On February 8, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced the Oscar nominations. 5 films (all worthy ones) will compete for the title of the best feature-length cartoon. Among them is Encanto, the 60th Disney cartoon.

5 reasons to watch Encanto with your kids.

Encanto is a story about the Madrigal family, each member of which has a magical gift: excellent hearing, amazing strength, the ability to see the future, influence the weather, communicate with animals and control plants. Only the main character - Mirabelle - did not get the gift (at least the obvious one). What is interesting about this cartoon and how does it differ from other studio projects?

1. Talk about history

Disney continues to acquaint viewers with a variety of cultures and traditions. This is noticeable even in the list of Oscar nominees: Luca is about Italy, the country in Paradise and the Last Dragon is very reminiscent of ancient China, and the world of Encanto is, of course, Colombia.

Viewers from this country speak very warmly about the cartoon and say that the creators conveyed the manner of communication typical of the inhabitants of South America as much as possible. The editor of The New York Times, Laura Zornosa, even showed the film to her father, who grew up in Colombia - he said that the creators of the project showed everything correctly and accurately.

2. Learn to think about yourself and recognize weaknesses

Being part of a magical and friendly family, living in an unusual house is a great happiness. And also a big responsibility. Each member of the Madrigal family is the face of a great family. They are looked up to, they are admired, they are asked for help. But such pressure, of course, leads to burnout and rebellion. Strong woman Louise said it best in her song:

                  “Actually, I'm at my limit.

3. Learn to dance

At the box office, "Encanto" was in November last year and, it seems, then no one paid attention to it, except for critics. Encanto was made popular by (don't be surprised!) Tiktok - in January the hashtag "encanto" had about 7 billion views, now the figure is approaching almost 18 billion

The song from the cartoon "Don't Mention Bruno" took first place in the top Billboard Hot 100, overtaking, by the way, Elsa's song "Let It Go". Tiktok users not only sing, but also actively repeat the dance numbers of the main characters. They also joke that it is simply impossible to keep from dancing during the second, third and subsequent views of the cartoon.

4. Don't be afraid of the truth

Bruno is Mirabelle's uncle, who can predict the future, an exile. He disappeared many years ago because he was not liked in the village and his family:

“He said about the fish he would die, in the morning - death

He said, I will grow a belly, how can I endure it?

Said I can't see thick hair, I started to go bald

His prophecies trap you in a net."

Of course, the prophecies were by no means to blame - the fish would have died anyway, the stomach would have grown, the hair would fall out. Poor Uncle Bruno just reported it. But sometimes people are too afraid of the truth. And they are ready to close their eyes to her, just not to take responsibility for what is happening.

5. Accept loved ones

“I just wanted to be like everyone else. And I couldn’t,” says Mirabelle, the only child without a gift in a magical family. We are used to the fact that the main characters of films, books, cartoons are special. Mirabelle is not. In her beloved family, she still feels like a stranger - many children, and especially teenagers, probably feel like that. In the ideal world of social media and "sons of mom's friends" it always seems that you are not perfect enough, that you are too ordinary.

But perhaps being ordinary is also a gift? Perhaps Encanto, louder than all other Disney projects, loudly declares: “We are all different. Special in their own way. And only together we can build Cassita again - our ideal home, our village.

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